Welcome to the grab bag
Use the search bar or scroll down to read my unpacking of current politics, cyclical living, and #liesthepatriarchytoldme.
On my to-do list…
So, our joy matters. And sometimes that joy looks like tuning in to my body and checking in what she can actually do today. Not yesterday, or tomorrow, or 20 years ago, or an imagined body that I’ve never had (that one is one of my favourites to pretend matters. “What would the perfect imaginary version of myself be able to do in perfect land?” I ask myself, and then beat myself up for failing from that. Because that’s reasonable.). But today, what am I actually capable of? Very often it doesn’t connect with my to-do list. Because my to-do list is never, ever done. There is always something new I’m forgetting, something fresh that needs my attention, or at the vey least a giant pile of old things that I “keep meaning to get to”.
…on music and joy
I fell off the “summer CD” bandwagon when I stopped burning CDs. (Our house hasn’t had a CD player in it in probably 10 years, which is another weird thing about getting old but anyway). And even though I’ve been making playlists for years it just didn’t occur to me to start doing it again, until summer 2019. And what a glorious summer it was, to again have a soundtrack, to have songs that connect with specific memories! It made me realize how easy it is to let go of things that bring us joy, unintentionally. I didn’t wake up one morning and decide not to make a soundtrack of my summer anymore. I just…. Forgot.

On residential schools…
I’ve included a list of resources at the bottom of this post, so that you can take action, right now. So that you don’t have to say “I don’t know what to do” or even “I’ll do it later”.

…on waxing moon/fall/luteal energy
In conclusion, the patriarchy lied to you about how you “should” be able to work, and capitalism lied to you about what “productive activities” look like. The good news? You get to take your power back and you get to use the gifts of the earth to work smarter.

On summer/full moon energy…
The patriarchy is afraid of your power, or more specifically – patriarchal institutions are threatened by you USING your power. When we wake up to our wild, sexy, beautiful magnetism, we throw so many of the roles placed on us out the window. These are the days I walk with an extra sway in my hips, where I speak up in a conversation where someone says something that makes me uncomfortable, where I can say heck no or oh yes please with more ease. None of these things fit into the “good girl” narratives. None of these involve me making myself smaller, or diminishing myself to make someone else more comfortable. None of these involve me sacrificing myself on the alter of other people’s needs, and that can be threatening to systems that depend on me putting myself last.